The Manuscript Tradition of the «Spiritual Meadow»

A Brief Review of History and Development


  • Shilkin Roman Igorevich Moscow Theological Academy



John Moschus, «Spiritual Meadow», Sinai Patericon, «Leimonis», «Leimonarion», Palestine, ascetic writing, manuscript tradition, manuscript, text, traslation, edition, archetype, autograph, Ambrose Traversari, Aloisius Lipomanus


This article presents a brief description of the complex and heterogeneous manuscript tradition of the work of John Moschus «Spiritual Meadow». Despite the popularity of this ascetic work, its critical edition is still missing. This is justified by the large number of manuscripts that have preserved the text of the «Spiritual Meadow». Often, not having in their composition the full text, they contain an unequal number of edifying stories. This creates great and sometimes completely insoluble problems for textual critics who study the text of the work of John Moschus. In this article is presented an attempt to analyze the manuscript tradition of the «Spiritual Meadow»: its composition and content of the most significant manuscripts for the text; is highlighted the problem of the heterogeneity of the number and content of texts; is given a comparison of the text of some manuscripts with the text published by J. P. Mine; is noted the closeness of the reading of the Florentine manuscript (Flor. Med.-Laur. Plut. gr. Χ. 3) with the Slavic version of the work, which probably depends on the same archetype. Is clarified the problem of the different number of chapters included in the «Spiritual Meadow», given the uniformity of their composition and content. In the course of the analysis, was compiled a list of the main Greek manuscripts, which are of value for the text of the monument, and were made some assumptions about the origin of discrepancies between the Greek and Latin texts.


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Author Biography

Shilkin Roman Igorevich, Moscow Theological Academy

MA student of Moscow Theological Academy Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Shilkin Р. И. (2021). The Manuscript Tradition of the «Spiritual Meadow»: A Brief Review of History and Development. The Metaphrast, (2 (6), 79–104.



