St Cyril of Alexandria. Two Epistles to Suckens, Bishop of Diacaesaria

A translation from Ancient Greek, an introduction and notes by Fr Theodore (Yulaev)


  • Theodore (Yulaev), hieromonk


The Letters of St Cyril of Alexandria have a special place among his extant writings. They date from the time of the Nestorian polemic and are the most important source for the history of the Third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus and the events connected to it. It is difficult to overestimate the dogmatic significance of this corpus: almost everywhere the saint touches on the doctrinal side of the dispute, and a number of his epistles are genuine Christological treatises. Among the most important of these are the two epistles to Succles, Bishop of Dioceses, of which the Russian translation is offered to the reader.


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Mc- Guckin J. A. St. Cyril of Alexandria, the Christological controversy. Brill; Leiden, 1994. P. 352-363.

Quasten J. Patrology. Vol. 3. The Golden Age of Greek Patristic Literature. Westminster, Maryland, 1986. P. 132-133.



How to Cite

Yulaev Ф. St Cyril of Alexandria. Two Epistles to Suckens, Bishop of Diacaesaria: A Translation from Ancient Greek, an Introduction and Notes by Fr Theodore (Yulaev). БВ 2010, 15-31.



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