Texts of a private prayer rule, as published by the Moscow Printing house of the XVII century.

Part 1. A transition from the manuscript tradition to the printed text: the originality of Moscow tradition


  • Dalmatios (Judin), hieromonk Moscow Theological Academy


Moscow book tradition, private prayer rule, private prayers, Moscow Printing house, cannon book, Psalter with services, prayers of the Song service, St. Dionysius (Zobninovsky)


The present publication is the beginning of a bigger research project, which consists of three articles, which deal with the evolution of the contents of the texts contained in the private prayers rule found in books published in the XVII century by the Moscow Printing house. The A. uses material of the fundamental collection of manuscripts found in the Trinity Laura, he also looks at the history of the two books that contained the texts of the partial prayer rule: the Book of Canons and the Psalter with services. The A. discusses the history of books containing the private prayer rules in the pre-printing press era of the Moscow tradition. He gives examples of manuscript sources, which served as the basis for the later printed prayers rules of the Moscow tradition. In addition, the A. used the Psalter with a service to Basil of Surazh (Ostrog, 1598), to examine the question of how various printed editions of the Western Russian Metropolia influenced the Moscow book tradition with regard to the texts of private prayers.


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Author Biography

Dalmatios (Judin), hieromonk, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Teacher at the Philology Department at the Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Judin Д. Texts of a Private Prayer Rule, As Published by the Moscow Printing House of the XVII century.: Part 1. A Transition from the Manuscript Tradition to the Printed Text: The Originality of Moscow Tradition. БВ 2016, 275-297.