A Zion Theology in First Part of Zechariah’s Book in the Context and out of the Context of the Reconstruction of Jerusalem Temple


  • Belskiy Vladimir V. Moscow Theological Academy




Bible, the book of Zechariah, theology of Old Testament, Zion theology, daughter of Zion, presence of God, house of God, Old Testament worship, the Second Temple, post-exilic Judean community


This article discusses the concept of Zion, one of the biblical toponyms widely used as a theological concept in the Old Testament prophetic books, psalms, the New Testament primarily to denote Divine presence. However, the subject of this study is the specific features of the theology of Zion, which are expressed in 1-8 chapters of the book of Zechariah. Research interest for this part of Scripture is due to the fact that it is dated by the initial stage of the restoration of the temple in Jerusalem. The Bible distinguishes three aspects of the understanding of the Divine presence in Zion, the presence of a temple and worship, the presence of a monarch from the davidic dynasty and peace and justice among the people of God. It raises the question of what aspect Zechariah gave priority to his understanding of the presence of the Lord in Zion. To solve the problem, the author turns to the analysis of the intertextual links of the considered passages of the book of the Prophet Zechariah with the prophetic and priestly tradition evidenced in the Old Testament, with ancient parallels. These methods are applied taking into account the specific historical situation of the creation of the studied texts. As a result of the research, the prophet Zechariah’s conception of Zion reveals a combination of liturgical and social (communal) understanding of the presence of the Lord.


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Author Biography

Belskiy Vladimir V., Moscow Theological Academy

Methodologist at the Department of Philology at the Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Belsky В. В. A Zion Theology in First Part of Zechariah’s Book in the Context and Out of the Context of the Reconstruction of Jerusalem Temple. БВ 2020, 42–62.



Biblical studies
