St John Chrysostom. An Easter Sermon (Dub.)

A publication of the text and a translation from the Ancient Greek language by S. S. Kim


  • Kim S.S. Moscow Theological Academy


In the vast body of ancient writings that have reached us in manuscripts under the name of Saint John Chrysostom († 407) are found works of all genres of Christian literature, from exegetical to hymnographic. Most often, however, under the name of the great orator we find sermons, which, in turn, vary in originality, size, and style.


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Leroy P. L’Homilétique de Proclus de Constantinople. Città del Vaticano, 1967 (Studi e Testi 247).

Nau F. Le livre d'Héraclide de Damas, suivi du texte grec des trois homélies de Nestorius sur les temptations de Notre Seigneur. Paris, 1910. P. 333-358.

Disdier M.-Th. Atticus, patriarche de Constantinople // DHGE 5. 1931. Col. 161-166.

Voicu S. Sévérien de Gabala // DS 14. 1989. Col. 752-763.

Voicu S. Nuove restituzioni a Severiano di Gabala // Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici. N. S. 20-21 (30-31). 1983-1984. P. 3-24.

Regtuit R. F. Severian of Gabala and John Chrysostom: The problem of authenticity / Ed. A. Schoors, P. van Deun // Philohistôr. Miscellanea in honorem Caroli Laga Septuagenarii (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 60). Leuven, 1994. P. 135-149.

Photius. Bibliothèque / Ed. R. Henry. T. 1-8. Paris, 1959-1977.

Габидзашвили Э. Переводные памятники древнегрузинской литературы. Библиография. Т. 3. Гомилетика. Тбилиси, 2008.

Παπαδόπουλος-Κεραμεῦς Ἀ. ΙΕΡΟΣΟΛΥΜΙΤΙΚΗ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ, ἤτοι ΚΑΤΑΛΟΓΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΤΑΙΣ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΑΙΣ τοῦ ἁγιωτάτου ἀποστολικοῦ τε καὶ καθολικοῦ ὀρθοδόξου πατριαρχικοῦ θρόνου τῶν Ἱεροσολύμων καὶ πάσης Παλαιστίνης ἀποκειμένων ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΩΝ ΚΩΔΙΚΩΝ. Τ. β΄. Πετρούπολις, 1894. Σ. 175-179.



How to Cite

Kim С. St John Chrysostom. An Easter Sermon (Dub.): A Publication of the Text and a Translation from the Ancient Greek Language by S. S. Kim. БВ 2010, 36-45.



Writings of the Holy Fathers
