The Doctrine of Incessant Penthos of St. Symeon the New Theologian and St. Niketas Stethatos
sadness, Penthos, tears, Monastery of Stoudios, joy, purification, contemplation, deificationAbstract
The article reveals the doctrine of the incessant penthos of St. Symeon the New Theologian and his disciple St. Niketas Stethatos. This teaching is one of the key leitmotifs, the origins of which we find in St. Simeon the Pious and, more broadly, in the Studian monastic tradition. For St. Symeon the New Theologian, constant crying is a high state of the ascetic who, through purifying himself, has achieved the correct contemplation of the world around him and the vision of God. Crying and tears are not a characteristic feature of sorrow, but of spiritual joy, of being part of the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Spirit. Venerable Niketas Stethatos briefly repeats the main theses of St. Symeon with a certain degree of detail and in relation to the ancient tradition, according to which crying and tears are a manifestation of sadness, which, according to the New Testament formulation, can be «sadness for God» or «sadness of the world». The correlation of the teaching on crying and tears with the ancient, predominantly Stoic, tradition is characteristic of St. Niketas, who also taught about the four main virtues and passions.
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