St. Athanasius of Alexandria. About the temple in Athens
Translated from Greek, introduction and notes by hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev), A. G. Pernbaum
Athanasius of Alexandria, Pseudepigrapha, the Ancient Greek sages, the prophecies of Christ, apologeticsAbstract
This is a publication of the translation of an apologetic work called “On the temple in Athens”, which is part of the body pseudepigraphical works by st. Athanasius of Alexandria and includes Ancient Greek sages’ prophecies about Christ. The translation is preceded by a preface, which provides a brief overview of this work parallels with other works of Christian antiquity. Using the prophecies contained in this work, we considered the context of the existence of the tradition of prophecy in early Christian literature. The notes to the translation also note discrepancies in various manuscripts of this work and its parallel editions.
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