St. Cyril of Alexandria. Answers to Tiberius the deacon and his brethren

Translated from Syrian and note by Е. А. Zabolotny, М. G. Kalinin. Translated from Ancient Greek, forward and notes by hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev)


  • Zabolotny E.



Cyril of Alexandria, the Greek patristics, Syriac literature, Christology, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphites, the image of God


The publication of the Russian translation of a treatise of St. Cyril of Alexandria contains the answers to fifteen questions on different topics of Christology, the anthropomorphism of Scripture, the image of God in man et al., which have been posed to the saint by a group of Palestinian monks. The translation is preceded by a preface, which outlines the historical framework for writing the treatise, provides guidance on the Syrian and Greek manuscript versions of the treatise, carries out a review of its publications, and explores its connection with the later compilation “Against anthropomorphites” published in 1605 by the Flemish humanist Bonaventura Vulkanius, which is basically a reworking of the three dogmatic works of St. Cyril: “Answers to Tiberius and his Companions", “Doctrinal Questions and Answers" and “Letter to Calosirius".


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How to Cite

Zabolotny Е. А. St. Cyril of Alexandria. Answers to Tiberius the Deacon and His Brethren: Translated from Syrian and Note by Е. А. Zabolotny, М. G. Kalinin. Translated from Ancient Greek, Forward and Notes by Hieromonk Theodore (Yulaev). БВ 2021, 342-379.



Writings of the Holy Fathers