Vladimir Soloviev and Christianity


  • Ivanov, Mikhail S. Moscow Theological Academy




theology, philosophy, science, “free theosophy”, historical Christianity, Christian dogmatics, God-manhood, “new” theology


The reseason for writing this article is due to the ongoing search for ways of
a spiritual and cultural transformation of modern Russia. Considerable attention in this search
is drawn to the religious and philosophical origins of human culture. Of interest in this regard
is the work of Russian thinkers who sought (in the words of P. P. Gaydenko) “to build philosophy
on a religious basis, bringing it closer to theology”. Such an attempt was made by the famous
Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyev. The article analyzes the religious and philosophical
quest of V. Solovyev, his personal religiosity, the philosopher’s understanding of the relationship
between philosophy and theology and his development of “free theosophy”, as well as Solovyev’s
negative attitude to “historical Christianity” and to the dogmatic teaching of the Church
as “abstract dogmatism”, and the philosopher’s attempt to “introduce the eternal content of
Christianity in a new form” and create a “new” theology.


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Author Biography

Ivanov, Mikhail S., Moscow Theological Academy

PhD in Theology, Honorary Professor of the Theology Department of Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Ivanov М. С. Vladimir Soloviev and Christianity. БВ 2019, 38-52.



Theology and philosophy
