The word as revelation


  • Ivanov Mikhail S. Moscow Theological Academy



Revelation, language, word, Saussure, Derrida, postmodernism, deconstructionism, peculiarities of the Divine word, word of Tradition and Scripture, Divine word and human speech, creative force of the Divine word


The article explores the details of the wording of the Divine Revelation as well as the written word’s relationship to modernism and postmodernism. The motive for writing this article can be found in the recent growth of a negative attitude to the word in general and to the word of the Bible in particular. This phenomenon, caused by the spirit of atheism, which denies the existence of God and at the same time the existence of any meaning as an objective reality, questions also the meaning of the word. The ever living and actual word of Revelation is examined as one of the most important phenomena of the religious, spiritual and cultural life of man.


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Author Biography

Ivanov Mikhail S., Moscow Theological Academy

Dr. of Theology, Professor Emeritus of the MDA, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Ivanov М. С. The Word As Revelation. БВ 2015, 19-42.



Theology and philosophy
