The Christology of Martyrius-Sahdona


  • Maxim (Sudakov), monk Moscow Theological Academy, St. Daniel Monastery of Moscow



Martyrius-Sahdona, “The Book of the Perfection”, The Church of the East, Chalcedon, syriac Christianity, antiochian theology, qnoma, hypostasis


In the article the analysis of the Christology of Martyrius-Sahdona is presented. He was a bishop of the Church of the East and an author of the famous ascetic writings. He is known by recepting the Chalcedonian statement about one hypostasis of Christ, for what he was deprived of his see and excommunicated. After that he joined the Church of the Roman Empire. The author of the article tries to clear up, to what extent the Sahdona’s teaching about the union of the natures in Christ agrees with the Orthodox Christology. For the research a fragment of Sahdona’s ascetic treatise «The Book of the Perfection» is taken. This fragment is the chapter «About the Truly Faith…». The theological terms are analysed from a philological standpoint and with respect to the context. Also the expressive means, peculiar to the syriac language and the antiochian theology, are considered. The Sahdona’s speakings, relating to Christology, are compared to the texts of the Orthodox Saint Fathers. There are represented the data of manuscript tradition and the historical facts, which in some measure clear up a dogmatic position of Sahdona and an attitude of the Orthodox to him and to his writings. In the conclusion is resumed, that his theological terminology and metaphors, usual for him, aren’t disagree with the Orthodox doctrine, but single expressions, which evidently have a tingle of the Nestorianism, are unacceptable to the Orthodox. The contemporary attitude of the Orthodox to Martyrius- Sahdona is controversial. The aim of the present article is to help to provide a correct value to his theology.


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Author Biography

Maxim (Sudakov), monk, Moscow Theological Academy, St. Daniel Monastery of Moscow

MA in Theology, PhD student of Moscow Theological Academy, St. Daniel Monastery of Moscow, Metochion of the Transfiguration
Podmoklovo village, Serpuhov district, Moscow region, 142200, Russia



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How to Cite

Sudakov М. The Christology of Martyrius-Sahdona. БВ 2020, 140–171.





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