The spiritual and gnoseological aspects of speech (λόγος) in the theology of St. Gregory of Nyssa


  • Diachenko G. B. St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University


word, mind, name, image of the name (τύπος), mental image (εἶδος), reflection (ἐπίνοια)


The article analyses the spiritual-gnoseological aspects of word in theology of st. Gregory of Nyssa. The author explores the indicated by st. Gregory conditions of the truth of the word. In the article also the reconstruction of st. Gregory's model of word is carried out. According to that model, the word consists of three elements - thing, thought and name. The connection between all three elements of word is in consecutive relation “in image”. Besides, this paper investigates the gnoseological parameters of word, that is mediated by human mind a connection between a thing and its name. The author outlines the spiritual perspective of word, which manifests a virtuous or a sinful state of human mind. In general, thе intelligent component of word that is hidden behind its sound-letter side is characterized in the work.


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Author Biography

Diachenko G. B., St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University

candidate of philology, assistant professor, aspirant at the subdepartment of Systimatic theology and patrology of the department of Theology St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University


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How to Cite

Diachenko Г. В. The Spiritual and Gnoseological Aspects of Speech (λόγος) in the Theology of St. Gregory of Nyssa. БВ 2016, 147-179.



