The establishment of monarchy in Ancient Israel: a historical and theological research of 1 Kings 11–12. Part II
Old Testament, book of Kings, Ancient Israel, monarchy in Old Testament, Old Testament exegetics, biblical theology, prophet Samuel, king Saul, God’s providence in the Old TestamentAbstract
The present publication is an exegetical commentary on the biblical episode in 1 Kings 11-12, where the first military victory of the Israeli king Saul and the subsequent renewal of the covenant in Gilgal is described. In addition, the parting speech of the prophet Samuel is placed in the end and acts as the concluding element in the entire narrative of the establishment of monarchy in Ancient Israel. The A. concludes that only after the victory over the Ammonites did Saul stop being a nominal and became real king of Israel. Unlike the previous ceremony of electing Saul as king in Mizpah, the convention in Gilgal is characterized by a very sacred aura. Apparently, here the covenant with Lord is being renewed under the direction of Samuel, which reminds one of a similar event of the time of Joshua. Also, just as did Joshua, Samuel pronounces a flowery speech, commemorating the conclusion of the epoch of Judges and the beginning of a new period of monarchy. It is the A. opinion that with this speech the biblical author offered a solution to one of the most important theological problems of Ancient Israel, which is central to the entire history of 1 Kings 7-12, - the problem of monarchical rule. For the ancient historian and theologian monarchy was not evil by virtue of itself, as is often presented in biblical researches. The historiographer does not only not condemn monarchy, but even presents it as a God given phenomenon. Thus, despite the opinion common among biblical scholars concerning the antimonarchical character of Samuel’s speech and the narrative of 1 Kings 7-12, the A. comes to a different conclusion. The A. maintains that the holy author of the book of Kings was attempting to solve the problem of monarchy in Ancient Israel with a positive solution, despite there being obvious antimonarchical notes in his works.
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