Orthodox soteriology in the work by F. M. Dostoevsky. Using as an example the novella “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man„


  • Syromyatnikov O. I. Perm' Theological Seminary


Dostoevsky, “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”, Ridiculous Man, soteriology, apostasy, fall, salvation, plot, character, God, truth


The article discusses the features of F. M. Dostoevsky's realism from the point of view of soteriology - the Orthodox doctrine of salvation. The subject of research is the book called “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”, included in the April edition of “The Writer's Diary” of 1877. The theme of the story is formed by the main question of Dostoevsky's works - the question of what causes man's fall and the circumstances of his resurrection. It is shown that the story has a complex composition formed by the inclusion of one plot into the other one: the main story, which tells about the fall and subsequent salvation of the main character, includes the story about the fall and death of all mankind.


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Author Biography

Syromyatnikov O. I., Perm' Theological Seminary

candidate of Philology, lecturer at Perm' Theological Seminary


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How to Cite

Syromyatnikov О. И. Orthodox Soteriology in the Work by F. M. Dostoevsky. Using As an Example the Novella “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man„. БВ 2017, 414-434.



Russian spiritual literature
