The Vision of the High Priest Jesus (Zech. 3, 1–7) and the Ordination of Priests in the Pentateuch: A Historical and Exegetical Analysis


  • Belskiy Vladimir V. Moscow Theological Academy



the book of Zechariah, the Pentateuch, the priesthood of Old Testament, the high priest’s investiture, Joshua ben-Yehozadak, the priestly vestments, the worship in the Old Testament, the Second Temple


The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the relationship of the vision of «the garments of the high priest of Joshua» (Zech. 3, 1-7) with descriptions of the investiture of the high priest in the Pentateuch (Ex. 28-29 and Lev. 8). As part of the comparison indicated in the article, the tendency of the reinterpretation of the priestly tradition by the prophet Zechariah is shown. In this rethinking, the prophet uses the images and motives of both the prophetic tradition and the traditions recorded in literature of Wisdom. The use of these texts, according to the author of the study, allows the prophet to avoid a purely ritual understanding of the text of Zech. 3, 1-7. The author of the article makes an attempt to comprehend the place of vision of the high priest Joshua ben-Yehozadak, in the composition of the originally existing text of the cycle of visions of the prophet (Zech. 1-6).


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Author Biography

Belskiy Vladimir V., Moscow Theological Academy

Methodologist at the Department of Philology, at the Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Belskiy В. В. The Vision of the High Priest Jesus (Zech. 3, 1–7) and the Ordination of Priests in the Pentateuch: A Historical and Exegetical Analysis. БВ 2020, 41-58.



Biblical studies
