Philosophical categories in the Palamite disputes


  • Gaginsky А. М. Social Sciences Russian Academy of Science; St. Tikhon Orthodox University


The A. examines the issue of the distinction of the possessor and the possessed in God, which was raised in the discussion of 1355 between St. Gregory Palamas and Nicephorus Grigoras. The A. shows that the theologians of the IV century, being very cautious in their choice of philosophical concepts, used the opposition of “essence” and “inherentness” in God, which subsequently found continuation in the doctrine of divine energies. In the meantime, Western thinkers, beginning with blessed Augustine, did not accept this opposition, which ultimately led to a clash between the Byzantine Thomists and the Palamites. The article shows, in particular, that St. Gregory Palamas, along with the categories of “essence” and “attribution”, also uses the categories of “action” and “possession”, which allow him to speak about the difference between possessor and the possessed in God. His opponents, on the contrary, considered such a distinction inadmissible, which for the most part is due to the influence of ancient metaphysics, primarily Neoplatonism, and is very problematic from the philosophical point of view.


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Author Biography

Gaginsky А. М., Social Sciences Russian Academy of Science; St. Tikhon Orthodox University

candidate of Philosophy, Research Fellow at the Department of Philosophy of the Institute for Scientific Information in Social Sciences Russian Academy of Science, head lecturer at St. Tikhon Orthodox University


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How to Cite

Gaginsky А. М. Philosophical Categories in the Palamite Disputes. БВ 2017, 173-198.



