Plato’s ‘Laws’ as a Relevant Context of the School Dialogue ‘Euthyphro’
ancient Greek philosophy, chronology of Plato’s dialogues, dialogue «Euthyphro», dialogue «Laws», dialogues in direct dramatic form, pietyAbstract
The article deals with the problem of dating Plato’s dialogue «Euthyphro». Since the very concept of «early Socratic dialogue» is questionable - neither in the genre, nor in content, nor in methodological terms, the dialogues usually included in this group cannot be considered a single corpus - insofar as their authorship is questionable, that is why the traditional approach needs to be revised. Having shown in a previous article that the «Protagoras» refers to Plato’s early dialogues, while the «Euthyphro» is probably the late dialogue of Corpus Platonicum, the author distinguishes the group of school dialogues in direct dramatic form and demonstrates their mutual closeness. After having shown the examples of the dependence of «Minos», «First Alcibiades» and «Crito» on Plato’s late dialogues, the author concentrates on finding parallels between the «Euthyphro» and the «Laws». The proximity in addressing controversial topics, direct parallels between the definitions of piety in the «Euthyphro» and the «Laws», and an assessment of the significance of piety and obedience to the state in the two dialogues lead to the conclusion that the «Euthyphro» is an example of the Academy’s discussion of a certain topic from the «Laws»: the relationship between justice and piety.
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