On the Relative Chronology of the Dialogues ‘Euthyphron’ and ‘Protagoras’


  • Solovyov Roman S. Moscow Theological Academy




ancient Greek philosophy, chronology of Plato’s dialogues, dialogue “Euthyphron”, dialogue “Protagoras”, dialogues in direct dramatic form, retold dialogues, piety


The article discusses the problem of dating the two dialogues of Plato: “Euthyphron” and “Protagoras”, which traditionally are among the earliest works of the author. Based on the analysis of the genre, the differences in the image of Socrates, the features of the interpretation of the concept of “piety”, as well as comparison with other works of the Platonic Corpus, the author concludes that the studied works could not be written at the same time, namely: “Protagoras” refers to the early works of Plato, and “Euthyphron” is probably a late work of the Platonic Corpus.


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Author Biography

Solovyov Roman S., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, PhD student in Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Solovyov Р. С. On the Relative Chronology of the Dialogues ‘Euthyphron’ and ‘Protagoras’. БВ 2020, 152-164.



Ancient literature
