Pseudo-Athanasius of Alexandria: A quote under the name of Severian of Gabala in the Armenian florilegium Galata 54


  • Kim S. priest Moscow Theological Academy



Severian of Gabala, Pseudo-Athanasius of Alexandria, Marcellus of Ancyra, Armenian dogmatic florilegia, Greek dogmatic florilegia, Christological disputes


The present note is devoted to the identification of one Armenian fragment transmitted under the name of Severian of Gabala in the dogmatic florilegium preserved in the manuscript Istanbul, Galata 54. The author shows that the passage comes from the treatise “On the incarnation and against the Arians” (CPG 2806), which the manuscripts ascribe to St. Athanasius of Alexandria, whereas several modern patrologists have tried - with no success - to attribute to Marcellus of Ancyra. The note offers a collation of the Armenian and Greek texts of the fragment as based on available Armenian and Greek manuscripts, as well as a comparative table of literary parallels between the treatise “On the incarnation and against the Arians” (CPG 2806) and the authentic writings of Severian of Gabala.


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Author Biography

Kim S. priest, Moscow Theological Academy

PhD., instructor at the department of Philology at Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Kim С. Pseudo-Athanasius of Alexandria: A Quote under the Name of Severian of Gabala in the Armenian Florilegium Galata 54. БВ 2018, 281-292.



Writings of the Holy Fathers
