The Theological Thought on the Holy Places in the Writings of Palestinian Hagiographers of the 6th — 7th Centuries: Themes, Origins, Tradition


  • Ekaterina (Kopyl), nun Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem



hagiogrphy, the holy places of Palestine, theology of the holy places, pilgrimage, Theodore of Petra’s Life of St. Theodosius, Cyril of Scythopolis’ Lives, John Moschus’s Spiritual Meadow


The second part of this article continues the exploration of theological reflection on the holy places of Palestine in the works of these eminent hagiographers of Palestinian monasticism of the 6th-7th centuries: the Life of St. Theodosius by Theodore of Petra, a series of Lives compiled by Cyril of Scythopolis, and the Spiritual Meadow by John Moschus. In the light of patristic tradition a diverse range of moral, ascetical and exegetical topics of this theological field is examined, including: 1) the holy places as the living environment of Palestinian ascetics; 2) the veneration of the holy places, the flight from the world, and the desire for hesychia as a threefold factor of attraction to Palestine for ascetics; 3) Abraham (Gen. 12, 1) as a biblical typos of monastic retreat to the Holy Land and of the spiritual xeniteia in the light of tropological and literal exegesis; 4) God’s love as a moral and mystical basis for living near the Holy City; 5) the importance of prayer at the holy places, participation in sacraments and rituals, and fasting as a preparation for encounter with the holy places; 6) moral and ascetic restrictions on living at the holy places. This analysis of moral-ascetical and exegetical topics within the theology of the holy places attested in hagiographical literature shows multiple traces of intertextuality, which enables us to state that this theological reflection is a manifestation of a coherent and living patristic tradition. The two parts of this article seek to show that the origins of this theology flow from liturgical and exegetical traditions, the practice of venerating the holy places, and the dogmatic, moral, and ascetic theology of Palestinian and other patristic authors of the Christian Mediterranean.


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Author Biography

Ekaterina (Kopyl), nun, Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem

Gorny Convent, Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem
6 Kheshin St., P.O.B. 1042, Jerusalem 9100902 Israel



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How to Cite

Kopyl Е. The Theological Thought on the Holy Places in the Writings of Palestinian Hagiographers of the 6th — 7th Centuries: Themes, Origins, Tradition. БВ 2021, 294–315.


