The Theology of the Holy Places in the Writings of Palestinian Hagiographers of the 6th — 7th Centuries: Themes, Origins, Tradition. Part I


  • Ekaterina (Kopyl), nun Gorny Convent, Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem



hagiography, holy places of Palestine, theology of holy places, pilgrimage, hagiographyTheodore of Petra’s Life of St. Theodosius, Cyril of Scythopolis’ Lives, John Moschus’s Spiritual Meadow


The article explores the theological thought on the holy places of Palestine attested in the works of prominent hagiographers of Palestinian monasticism of the 6th-7th centuries: the Life of St. Theodosius by Theodore of Petra, a series of Lives compiled by Cyril of Scythopolis, and the Spiritual Meadow by John Moschus. Since the views on the holy places do not constitute a complete theological system in Palestinian hagiography, the study is descriptive. The method adopted involves selecting representative passages on the holy places and exploring their dogmatic, polemic and moral-ascetic topics in light of patristic tradition. The topics covered in Part I of the article are: 1. the holiness of these Palestinian places; 2. the holy places as a means of cognition that allows the perception of the revealed truth; 3. as a Christological argument confi the reality of the human nature of Lord Jesus Christ; 4. as a means of exposure and correction of heretical errors; 5. Sion as Mother of all Churches; 6. the problem of «benefi of Sion and her holy places; 7. the veneration of the holy places and its theological closeness to the veneration of the Holy Cross; 8. the authority of the Church’s oral Tradition in identifying the holy places and its rational justify In the hagiographical monuments of theological thought on the holy places multiple traces of intertextuality are shown, which enables us to view this literary corpus as a manifestation of a coherent and living patristic tradition. Its origins are investigated, among them the liturgical and exegetical traditions, the practice of venerating the holy places, as well as the dogmatic and moral-ascetic theology of Palestinian and other patristic authors of the Christian Mediterranean.


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Author Biography

Ekaterina (Kopyl), nun, Gorny Convent, Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem

Gorny Convent, Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem
6 Kheshin St., P.O.B. 1042, Jerusalem 9100902 Israel



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How to Cite

Kopyl Е. The Theology of the Holy Places in the Writings of Palestinian Hagiographers of the 6th — 7th Centuries: Themes, Origins, Tradition. Part I. БВ 2020, 293–323.



