St. Symeon the New Theologian. Sermons 5, 6 from the corpus of “33 Sermons” (Orationes [Dub.])

Critical text, translation from Ancient Greek, foreword by A. S. Tvorogov


  • Tvorogov A. S. Moscow Theological Academy



st. Simeon the New Theologian, Constantine Chrysomallus, critical text, asceticism, messalians, Bogomils, Baptism, grace, Orationes, Areopagitics


This publication continues the editio princeps of the Greek text and the Russian translationof the original Sermons of the Corpus of 33 Sermons (Orationes or Or. ), attributed in the manuscript tradition of Simeon the New Theologian. The Sermons 5 and 6 are offered to the attention of the reader. The main theme of the Sermons is the Sacrament of Communion and the necessary conditions for a worthy Communion, as well as the basic sinful passions and Divine Grace as the only means of overcoming them. The Greek text of Sermons has not been published before, the Latin translation of the whole corpus was made, based on the late (XVI century) manuscript, and a Modern Greek translation of individual Words, including the fifth and sixth. The introductory article shows the dependence of some ideas and terminology on the treatise “On the Church Hierarchy” from the Areopagitic corpus. The attribution of the Sermons to St. Simeon the New Theologian is now being questioned. The Greek text and discrepancies are given on the basis of the six most important manuscripts, the earliest of which dates back to the late XI - early XII century.


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Author Biography

Tvorogov A. S., Moscow Theological Academy

doctoral student at Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Tvorogov А. С. St. Symeon the New Theologian. Sermons 5, 6 from the Corpus of “33 Sermons” (Orationes [Dub.]): Critical Text, Translation from Ancient Greek, Foreword by A. S. Tvorogov. БВ 2018, 231-265.



Writings of the Holy Fathers
