Martyrius-Sahdona. Biography and works


  • Maxim (Sudakov), monk Moscow Theological Academy



Martyrius, Sahdona, Ishoyahb, Church of the East, Beth Garmai, “The Book of the perfection”


In the article the reader is presented with the biography of Martyrius-Sahdona. This figure is one of the most proliferous Syrian ascetic authors. He belonged to the Church of the East, but he left the official confession of this Church and started preaching the doctrine of one qnoma of Christ. It is not possible to determinate surely, to what confession he belonged finally, because he converted from the Church of the East to the Orthodox Church and vice versa several times. This circumstance is complicated by the fact that information about his life is fragmentary and appears only in Nestorian sources. Here the A. attempts to make clearer the question of his confession on the basis of several of his witnesses. It is evident that he was one of the highest agents of a movement in the Persian Church, which attempted to approach Orthodoxy and to which Hnana of Adiabene belonged earlier. The article contains also an overview of Martyrius-Sahdona’s literary heritage.


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Author Biography

Maxim (Sudakov), monk, Moscow Theological Academy

Master of Theology, post-graduate student at the Moscow Theological Academy


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How to Cite

Sudakov М. Martyrius-Sahdona. Biography and Works. БВ 2018, 132-163.





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