Theology of communication


  • Ivanov Mikhail S. Moscow Theological Academy



communication, loneliness, love, sacrifice, self-centeredness, individualization, personality, Church, Body of Christ, psychology of communication


The article deals with the particulars of human communication in the modern world. We consider the coexistence of the phenomenon of loneliness and the great communication opportunities of our time. The A. juxtaposes egocentrism as an obstacle to communication and love as a real understanding. Further, the A. reveals the nature of genuine communion, which has been made available to humanity since the time of the Incarnation, and the very reality of such communion was realized in the Church founded by Christ, in contrast to the secular human community.


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Author Biography

Ivanov Mikhail S., Moscow Theological Academy

Doctor of Theology, Honored Professor at the Department of Theology at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Ivanov М. С. Theology of Communication. БВ 2018, 17-34.



Theology and philosophy
