Review of: Chronicle of the life and works of St. Theophanes the Recluse Vyshensky. I volume. Moscow: Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2016. 928 p.; II vol. Moscow: Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2019. 680 p.


  • Kashirina Barvara V. RAZhViZ Ilya Glazunov



History of Russian Orthodox Church, St. Theophanes the Recluse Vyshensky


The life and work of the greatest Russian theologian and spiritual writer of the second half of the nineteenth century, St Theophan the Recluse, is now available to the reader in the first two volumes of the Annals of his Life and Work. Among Russian theologians today one can hardly name any other name to whom so much research has been devoted lately. Theophanes' annual readings, conferences, and seminars 1 testify to a growing interest in the personality and writings of the saint. As His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia noted in the Preface to the first volume, "The spiritual legacy of St Theophanes is still very relevant for the believer. The principles of spiritual life, formulated in his works The Way to Salvation, The Outline of Christian Morals, and Letters on the Christian Life, serve as a guide for thousands and thousands who seek salvation.


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Author Biography

Kashirina Barvara V., RAZhViZ Ilya Glazunov

PhD in Philology, Professor of the Department of the Basics of Citizenship at the RAZhViZ Ilya Glazunov 


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How to Cite

Kashirina В. В. Review Of: Chronicle of the Life and Works of St. Theophanes the Recluse Vyshensky. I Volume. Moscow: Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2016. 928 p.; II Vol. Moscow: Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2019. 680 P. БВ 2021, 288-295.





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