Faith and Disbelief of Friedrich Nietzsche


  • Ivanov Mikhail S. Moscow Theological Academy



faith, Christ, Christianity, truth, mind, will, good and evil, Superman


The article analyzes the phenomena of faith and disbelief in the worldview of the famous German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. At the same time, it is noted that their specificity reveals itself against the background of total pessimism of all the creativity of the philosopher, reaching the point that the author denies not only God, religious faith, but all forms of worldview and even the existence of the truth itself, and his faith in the Superman is absolutely utopian, because it finds its basis in the cult of power on the other side of good and evil. The attention of the reader is also drawn to the fact that Nietzsche, despite all the undeniable advantages of his literary style in his judgments and conclusions, is not always consistent, and sometimes even contradictory. The sad religious and philosophical experience in which the German philosopher though tried, in E. Trubetskoy’s expression, «to comprehend the atheism», made nevertheless of Nietzsche «the homeless wanderer of thought».


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Author Biography

Ivanov Mikhail S. , Moscow Theological Academy

Doctor of Theology, Honored Professor of the Theology Department of Moscow Theological Academy Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Ivanov М. С. Faith and Disbelief of Friedrich Nietzsche. БВ 2021, 55-66.



Theology and philosophy
