The Creation of Man in the Image and Likeness of God in the Light of the Anthropological Views of John Philoponus in the Context of Byzantine Literature


  • Alexander G. Nakaidze Moscow Theological Academy



St. Basil the Great, John Philoponus, Theodore the Interpreter, christology, triadology, image and likeness


The article analyzes the doctrine of the creation of man in the image and likeness of God in the light of the anthropology of the outstanding Christian thinker, philosopher and theologian John Philoponus (~ 490–575). this issue is devoted to the VI-th book of the treatise «De opifi mundi» (On the creation of the world) from the 1st chapter to the 22nd inclusive. In addition to the study of Philoponus’ own views on the biblical teaching about the image and likeness of God, various interpretations of these terms by John and his main opponent Theodore of Interpreter (~ 350–428) are compared in the context of Byzantine literature. Special attention is paid to the versatility of Philoponus’ philosophy, which is manifested in the fact that His interest in the question of the creation of people is not only theological in nature. Another important aspect of this study is that it examines the comparison of John the Grammarian’s translations of Aquila (II c.), Symmachus (II–III c.), Theodotus (II c.), and the Seventy in the interpretation of Gen. 1, 26–27. The paper uses the methods of philological and theological analysis, comparative method (comparison of translations of interpretations of biblical texts), and the method of structural content analysis. The main conclusion of this publication is the statement of Philoponus, in which he identifi the image with a reasonable ability. He sees the difference between image and likeness in the fact that the former is actualized from the very beginning, and the latter is carried out by free will in the manifestation of virtue.


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Author Biography

Alexander G. Nakaidze, Moscow Theological Academy

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philology, Moscow Theological Academy
141300, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad, Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, Academy


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How to Cite

Nakaidze А. Г. The Creation of Man in the Image and Likeness of God in the Light of the Anthropological Views of John Philoponus in the Context of Byzantine Literature. БВ 2020, 105–143.



