«Cannot be Condemned, Canonized» or «Condemn, Cannot be Canonized»? Nationalism in the Political Theology of Archpriest Dumitru Stăniloae
archpriest Dumitru Stăniloae, political theology, nationalism, nation, Orthodox theology, state and Church, Christianity and politicsAbstract
The article, using the historical-philosophical method, examines one of the aspects of the political theology of archpriest Dumitru Stăniloae — the attitude towards the nation and nationalism. The first part of the article provides a description and main characteristics of the phenomenon of nationalism as it is understood in modern political sciences. In the second part of the article, the author reveals the theological foundations and main provisions of the «ontology of the nation» of archpriest D. Stăniloae, his attitude to nationalism as such, to the Romanian nation and to all the others. The third part of the article presents assessments of Stăniloae’s political theology given by modern researchers, two opposing tendencies are revealed. The author then conducts a critical analysis of the main provisions of the «ontology of the nation» of archpriest D. Stăniloae, identifies a number of theological errors in it and comes to the conclusion: Stăniloae’s concept of political theology can be characterized as a type of nationalism. Next, the attitude towards the phenomenon of nationalism on the part of the most authoritative modern theologians is revealed and its incompatibility with Christianity is stated. In conclusion, the author says: even if the fact is revealed that D. Stăniloae at the end of his life renounced his «ontology of the nation» and nationalism, it is necessary to clearly understand and articulate that the concept of political theology he developed largely contradicts the Orthodox view of politics and the nation.
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