The Interpretation of Dogmatic Concepts ‘Hypostasis’ and ‘Individual’ by V. N. Lossky


  • Fufaev Sergey, priest Мoscow Theological Аcademy



Holy Trinity, Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ, single complex Hypostasis, hypostasis, individual


This article is devoted to the critical consideration of the interpretation of dogmatic concepts «hypostasis» and «individual» by V. N. Lossky. The author of the study proceeded from the belief that in the work of St. John of Damascus «the Source of knowledge» the truths of the Orthodox faith are expressed exemplary. In this connection, the article presents a comparative analysis of the positions of V. N. Lossky and the St. John Damascene, as well as some other Holy fathers of the Church. The analysis revealed a number of shortcomings of the doctrine of the Russian theologian, which led to some contradictions in his neo-patristic synthesis. At the same time, a number of advantages of Lossky`s interpretation were determined. It should be taken into account in the development of contemporary Orthodox theology.


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Author Biography

Fufaev Sergey, priest, Мoscow Theological Аcademy

Teacher and Research Assistant of the Department оf Biblical Studies of Мoscow Theological Аcademy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Fufaev С. The Interpretation of Dogmatic Concepts ‘Hypostasis’ and ‘Individual’ by V. N. Lossky. БВ 2021, 38-71.



Theology and philosophy
