The Symbol as a Theological Function in the Works of A. F. Losev and Protopresbyter A. Schmemann
Losev, Schmemann, symbol, reality, theology, sacraments, Eucharist, myth, function, mathematical series, Newton’s binomial, apophatismAbstract
The article is devoted to the issue of theological reception of the concept «symbol». An ambivalent attitude towards the term and opposition to its reality significantly distorts and limits the initially deep theological context of its application. In order to resolve this contradiction, we conducted a comparative analysis of the philosophical understanding of the «symbol» by A. F. Losev and the theological view of the term protopresbyter A. Schmemann. Losev defines a «symbol» as a function of reality, which can be represented in the form of an infinite series. This formulation illustrates the antinomic nature of the «symbol», which the scientist placed special emphasis on, and also emphasizes its apophatic nature inherent in the philosophy and theology of the twentieth century in general. The word «function» itself is literally translated as «fulfillment». This term was actively used by protopresbyter А. Schmemann in his liturgical theology, using it with the aim of moving away from static scholastic formulations, to give the description of the sacraments dynamics, the nature of the process, and fulfillment. Comparing «symbol» as a «function» in Losev, and «symbol» as «fulfillment» in Schmemann, we have identified a number of essential provisions on the basis of which we can define «symbol» as a «theological function». The article provides an example of using the results obtained based on the interpretation of the sacrament of the Eucharist by St. Clement of Alexandria concludes that it is necessary to use the «symbol» for a consistent interpretation of the heritage of the holy fathers.
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