Georgian Fragments from the Library of the Monastery of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon on Mount Athos


  • Kim Serge, priest University of Lausanne
  • Zubov Dmitry V. IRA



Georgian Christian literature, Mount Athos, St. Panteleimon, Georgian monasticism, patristic translations


The article publishes fragments of ancient Georgian Christian literature found in the archives of the library of the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon on Mount Athos.The purpose of the publication is to introduce into scientific circulation data on four fragments of Georgian Athos writing preserved in the library archive of the Russian monastery. The discovered sheets were probably used as security material for other manuscripts and represent excerpts from a dogmatic discourse, a laudatory speech, and also a liturgical book.


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Author Biographies

Kim Serge, priest, University of Lausanne

PhD, University of Lausanne

Zubov Dmitry V., IRA

PhD in Economics IRA (†)


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How to Cite

Kim С.; Zubov Д. В. Georgian Fragments from the Library of the Monastery of St. Great Martyr Panteleimon on Mount Athos. БВ 2023, 146-166.



