Eschatological Concept of H. U. von Balthasar: The Trinitarian Aspect
Balthasar, Eschatology, modern theology, God, Christ, theodicy, God and suffering, descent into hell, solidarity with the deadAbstract
The article examines the trinitarian aspect of the eschatological concept of H. U. von Balthasar. The author applies a «synchronistic» approach to the subject of research. In the first part of the article, the author reveals the methodological features of Balthazar’s eschatological concept: its theocentricity and mystery; as well as the features of its description: the use of allegories and analogies. The second part describes its trinitarian foundations. Further, the author cites Balthasar’s interpretation of the doctrine of the descent of Christ into hell as solidarity with the dead, and states its difference from the existing theological tradition. The next part of the article analyzes the implications of Balthasar’s trinitarian approach to eschatology. The author argues that for Balthazar all the dispensational actions of Christ are events that have a trinitarian aspect, and this affects his understanding of death, the posthumous judgment, hell and Heaven. Balthazar understands these things not as realities whose character was formed «before» Christ came into contact with them, but as realities whose character is determined precisely by their contact with Christ. The article also describes Balthazar’s idea of the correlation between Divine existence and suffering.
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