Contribution of Academician of Architecture P. P. Pokryshkin to the Survey and Restoration of the Church of St. Basil in Ovruch
cultural heritage, Church Art, ancient Russian architecture, monument, Ovruch St. Basil’s Church, theory of restoration, principles of restoration, concept of restoration, Alexey Viktorovich Shchusev, Petr Petrovich Pokryshkin, Dmitry Vasilyevich MileevAbstract
The purpose of this article is to clarify the components of the restoration reconstruction of St. Basil's Church in Ovruch, in particular, the contribution of the leading restorer of the Russian Empire, academician of architecture P. P. Pokryshkin to this matter. The study analyzes and brie y describes the principles and methods that guided the restorer, the conceptual aspect of reconstructive work and a number of other issues. The role and contribution of other specialists, including architect-archaeologist D. V. Mileev, A.V. Shchusev, L. Vesnin and V. N. Maksimov, are characterized. As a result, the author of the article draws the following conclusions: the scienti c data that appeared as a result of the excavations and accurate measurements of P. P. Pokryshkin are of exceptional interest; his innovative methods and techniques allowed to increase the degree of scienti c and archaeological reliability of the restoration.
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