St. John Damascene’s Theology of Holy Places: The Main Themes
holy places of Palestine, theology of holy places, St. John of Damascus, functions of holy places, worship, veneration, image theory, icon theologyAbstract
This article presents the main views of the St. John of Damascus on the holy places of Palestine, which received a systematic coverage within the framework of his theology of the icon.In his theologyof holyplaces,the following topics are discussed: holyplaces as receptacles of divine action and grace; theology of holy places rooted in the theory of images developed by him and its closeness in dogmatic content to the theology of the icon; Incarnation as the most important doctrinal basis for honoring Palestinian shrines; the role of matter in the alvation of man; the authority of tradition and biblical exegesis in upholding the practice of honoring holy places. An important place is given in the theology of the holy places of St. John to the category of “worship” and “veneration”. He also develops questions of the pragmatic and sacred/mystical role of holy places, within which one can distinguish the mediator/soteriological, commemorative, anagogical, proscynitarnian (god-worshiping), charismatic, apologetic and apotropaic functions, as well as the function of revelation. At the same time, the concept of God’s omnipresence should be considered as a dogmatic “restrictive limit” in the matter of honoring holy places. Finally, Damascene’s theology is characterized by the theme of reverent and expressive love for holy places as an expression of love for God, as well as a motive for the interiorization of the experience of meeting with Palestinian shrines.
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