On the Question of the Liturgy of the Apostle Mark


  • Davud E. (Pasilios), hieromonk Moscow Theological Academy




The Liturgy of the Apostle Mark, theology, liturgics, anaphora, Eucharistic theology, Alexandrian type of Liturgy


This article analyses the text of the anaphora of the Liturgy of the Apostle Mark in order to distinguish the theological and textual content from the liturgies of both the Alexandrian type and the Constantinople tradition. The difference in the structure of the anaphora causes a difference in the theology of the Eucharist due to a shift in certain accents. The discovery of the manuscripts of the Liturgy of the Apostle Mark in the XX century and its translation from the Strasbourg manuscripts into Russian in 2003 increased the attention of the scientific community to this topic. All this is catalyzed by the increased interest in the liturgical revival in the Russian Orthodox Church in recent times. The article also attempts a textual analysis of the entire sequence Of the Liturgy of the Apostle Mark, with the identification of characteristic features and illustrated by an example from the service. Among other things, current and important research on this issue in Russian science is considered.


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Author Biography

Davud E. (Pasilios), hieromonk, Moscow Theological Academy

postgraduate student of the Moscow Theological Academy

Academy, Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, 141300, Russia



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How to Cite

Pasilios Д. Е. On the Question of the Liturgy of the Apostle Mark. БВ 2022, 279-292.



