The Words of Jesus Christ from Mt. 11, 25 as an Exegetical Motive for the Interpretation of Prov. 9, 4–10 and 11Q5 (11QPsa. Col. XVIII)
Jesus Christ, the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, exegetical motive, evangelical isosyllabic reconstruction, νήπιοι, σοφοί, תוֹמכְ חָ ֫Abstract
This article focuses on the study of Mt. 11, 25 and a parallel passage — Lk. 10,21. As I was able to identify, the words of Jesus Christ are exegetical motive for understanding Prov. 9, 4–10 and 11Q5 (11QPsa. Col. XVIII). In turn, 11Q5 is an exegetical motive for understanding Prov. 9, 4–10. Probably, Jesus Christ may have known the text 11Q5, Psalm 154, which may have been taken for the interpretation of Prov. 9, 4–10, and characterizes the true wisdom of His apostles.
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