Theological Method J.-L. Marion: Between H. U. von Balthasar and E. Levinas
Marion, Balthazar, Levinas, Heidegger, modern theology, God, metaphysical theologyAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the theological method of J. L. Marion. Using the comparative method, the author reveals the in uence on the theological method of Marion on the part of E. Levinas and H.U. von Balthasar. In the rst part of the article, the author examines Marion’s relation to ontology and comes to the following conclusions: Marion accepts Heidegger’s criticism of metaphysics as an ontotheology and builds a «theology without being»; his critical attitude to ontology brings his approach closer to Levinas’s. In the second part of the article, the author’s attention is focused on the question of Marion’s attitude to the language of theology and the peculiarities of his teaching about God. The author comes to the conclusion that Marion’s concept of «God without being» has an external similarity with Levinas’ teaching about the Other, but this formal similarity has a number of signi cant substantive differences that bring Marion’s concept closer to Balthazar. Marion’s attitude to the language of theology was formed under the in uence of Balthazar, but the distinctive features of the Marion’s approach do not allow this in uence to be regarded as dependence.
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