The Problem of Reconstruction of the Biography of John Moschus


  • Shilkin Roman I. Moscow Theological Academy



«Spiritual meadow», John Moschus, biography, reconstruction, St. Sophronius of Jerusalem, cenobium of St. Theodosius, Laura of Pharan, Laura of the Aeliotes


This article examines the problems of reconstructing the biography of John Moschus, identifies the difficulties of comparing sources containing basic information about the life of this Palestinian ascetic. The heterogeneity, fragmentation and some inconsistency of the sources containing biographical information about John Moschus, sets before the researchers the task of comparing and analyzing them. Due to the fact that the sources do not provide specific and accurate biographical data, any version of the recreation of the life path of John Moschus will be a supposition. This article attempts to understand the chronology of the main stages in the life of John Moschus.


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Author Biography

Shilkin Roman I., Moscow Theological Academy

MA student of Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Shilkin Р. И. (2020). The Problem of Reconstruction of the Biography of John Moschus. The Metaphrast, (2 (4), 112–127.



