Eucharistology of St. Nicholas Kabasilas: An Overview and Evaluation of Current Research


  • Elimanov Vadim E. Мoscow Theological Аcademy



St. Nicholas Kabasilas, the Eucharist as a Sacrifice, the Eucharistic symbolism, Palamism, Thomism


This article is a brief review of the scientific research on the teaching of St. Nicholas Kabasilas about the Eucharist over the past twenty years. In the introductory part of the article summarizes the first two stages of study of the works Kabasilas: in the first stage (XVI–XVII century), first in the West Catholic theologians appeal to the heritage Kabasilas and translate into Latin his most important works; the second phase, covering the XX century, is characterized by intense, comprehensive study of the heritage Kabasilas in the first place by Western scientists; a critical edition of Kabasilas's main works is being carried out with a French translation. The main volume of the article is devoted to the third stage of the study of the heritage of Kabasilas (XXI century), which is marked by increased interest in its eucharistology. At this stage, we observe numerous attempts to synthesize, summarize all the achievements of scientists who studied the work of Kabasilas in the XX century, and in a systematic way to present its doctrine about the Eucharist, as well as to determine its place in the context of the Palamite disputes. Τhe presentation of the doctrine of the Eucharist is presented by the following key themes: the Eucharist as a Sacrifice; the Eucharist, Thomism and Palamism; the symbolism of the Eucharist.


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Author Biography

Elimanov Vadim E., Мoscow Theological Аcademy

MA in Theology, PhD student of Мoscow Theological Аcademy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Elimanov В. Е. (2020). Eucharistology of St. Nicholas Kabasilas: An Overview and Evaluation of Current Research. The Metaphrast, (1 (3), 174–204.



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