The Question of Wealth in the Writings of Saint John of Kronstadt


  • Bondarev Alexander S.



virtues, social service, Russian Orthodox Church, Russian theology, axiology, material goods, wealth, estates, laity


The literary legacy and work of St. John of Kronstadt had a strong influence on the formation of the contemporary Russian Orthodox Church and the ministry of the clergy and laity. The saint became a unique Christian author who used understandable terms for his contemporaries, speaking of social ministry through the virtues. The author creates a system of values that enables a Christian in everyday life to follow the way of salvation through ordinary deeds. The question of the status of wealth in the life of a Christian has troubled believers since the time of the ancient Church. St John puts it through his pastoral ministry and warns the believers of the possible consequences associated with the use of material goods for selfish purposes. The way to overcome the negative consequences of possessing wealth is to do works of charity 


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Author Biography

Bondarev Alexander S.

MA student at the Moscow Theological Academy
Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141300, Russia


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How to Cite

Bondarev А. (2024). The Question of Wealth in the Writings of Saint John of Kronstadt. Word and Image: Questions of Slavonic and Russian Philology and Literature, (2 (9), 15–26.



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