The Representation of Classical Views on the Atonement in Radical Feminist Theology


  • Myachin Igor A. Moscow Theological Academy



Atonement, feminist theology, satisfaction theory, moral influence theory, organic theory, sin, will of God


The article examines some of the arguments of modern radical feminist theologians who criticize a number of classical theories of atonement, such as the satisfaction theory, the moral influence theory, and the theory of G. Aulen, which is a modern variation of the recapitulation view by St. Irenaeus of Lyons. The author examines critical remarks by feminist theologians, which are poorly known in Russian theology: R. R. Ruther, R. N. Brock, D. K. Brown, and others. The article considers the question of general and particular objections to the above views of the work of Christ which is to be called ‘atonement’. Finally, the author makes a number of critical remarks about claims directed against the classical views on atonement and demonstrates the extreme subjectivity of these claims.


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Author Biography

Myachin Igor A., Moscow Theological Academy

MA in Theology, PhD student at the Moscow Theological Academy

Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad 141312, Russia


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How to Cite

Myachin И. А. (2021). The Representation of Classical Views on the Atonement in Radical Feminist Theology. Theological Questions, (2 (6), 81–94.



Comparative theology
