Λογος στηλιτευτικο: Is This a Name of the Genre?

About the Origin of Neologism στηλιτευτικ and its meaning


  • Usacheva A. V.


One of the first questions that arise when considering the speeches of St Gregory the Theologian Κατα Ιουλιανου Βασιλεως (Or. 4-5) is the question of their genre1. The speeches are respectively called Στηλιτευτικος πρωτος and δευτερος, which may be tentatively translated as "First and second denunciatory speech". Ps.-Nonne, the sixth-century Alexandrian commentator, in a preface to an interpretation of our speeches argues that they are some kind of invective


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How to Cite

Usacheva А. В. Λογος στηλιτευτικο: Is This a Name of the Genre? About the Origin of Neologism στηλιτευτικ and Its Meaning. БВ 2010, 502-513.



