A Bibliographical List of «The Acts of the Oecumenical Councils»

Part 2. Oecumenical Council IV


  • Bondach A. G.


A continuation of the VVS1 is offered, covering most of the acts of the Fourth Ecumenical Council - documents of the pre-Catholic period and minutes of the Council's sessions (VVS Nos. 194-346d). In the pre-revolutionary edition of the VVS these acts occupy vol. 3 and half of vol. 4, the 1996 reprint takes vol. 2 and half of vol. 3.


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Horn S. O. Julian von Kos // Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. Bd. 3. 1992.

Silva-Tarou- ca C. Nuovi studi sulle antiche lettere dei Papi // Gregorianum 12. 1931. P. 562-567.

Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta. Vol. I: The Oecumenical Councils: From Nicaea I to Nicaea II (325-787) / Cur. G. Alberigo et al. Turnhout: Brepols, 2006 (Corpus Christianorum).

Enchiridion symbolorum, definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum / Ed. H. Denzinger; retractavit, auxit, notulis ornavit A. Schönmetzer. Barcinone; Friburgi Briscoviae; Romae, 1976.

Les regestes des actes du Patriarcat de Constantinople / Ed. par V. Grumel. Vol. I. Fasc. I. [Istanbul], 1932.

Corpus legum ab imperatoribus romanis ante Iustinianum lata- rum… / Collegit G. Haenel. Lipsiae, 1857.

Regesta Pontificum Romanorum… / Ed. Ph. Jaffé; ed. 2, auspiciis G. Wattenbach, cur. S. Loewenfeld, F. Kaltenbrunner, P. Ewald. T. 1-2. Lipsiae, 1885-1888.

Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio… / Evulgavit J. D. Mansi. T. I-XXXI. Florentiae; Venetiis, 1759-1798 (T. I-LIII. Paris 1901-1927).



How to Cite

Bondach А. Г. A Bibliographical List of «The Acts of the Oecumenical Councils»: Part 2. Oecumenical Council IV. БВ 2010, 455-491.



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