The Translator of the Septuagint Psalter as a New Exegete of the Hebrew Original

The Origin of the Greek Psalter: Translating Aims and Methods


  • Lazarenko О. М.


According to ancient evidence, the Jewish Torah (the Pentateuch of Moses) was translated into Greek in the first half of the third century B.C. The other books of the Bible appeared in Greek translation later, in the third and first centuries B.C. There is no reliable information about the place and time of origin of the Psalms. For the time of origin, the second and first centuries B.C., Egypt and Palestine1 are suggested. Arguments based on the use of certain vocabulary in the translation are not convincing2. More interesting is the question of the conditions and purposes of the creation of the Greek Psalter. The scholarly debates on this issue focus on the philology of the Psalms and their peculiarities as a translation.


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How to Cite

Lazarenko О. The Translator of the Septuagint Psalter As a New Exegete of the Hebrew Original: The Origin of the Greek Psalter: Translating Aims and Methods. БВ 2010, 180-199.



Biblical studies
