Liber Graduum: The Sixteenth Memra

A translation from Syrian and an introduction by G. M. Kessel’


  • Kessel' G.M.


"The Book of Degrees is an early Syriac (late 4th century) anonymous literary monument consisting of thirty words (syr. mēmrē) of ascetic content. Scholars have long since abandoned the thesis expressed in 1926 by the publisher of the "Book of Degrees", Michael Kmosko, who considered the teaching of the "Book of Degrees" to be Messalianic, and the book itself - one of the few surviving monuments of this heretical movement3. Although the relationship of the Book of Degrees to Mesalianism continues to be debated to this day, there is no doubt that the text contains notions and ideas that were consonant with the condemned doctrine, but which were developed by the anonymous author in a different direction and occupy a definitely different place in his teaching.


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Муравьев А. В. «Книга степеней» // ИАБ. 5. № 92-111.

The Book of Steps. The Syriac Liber Graduum / Translated, with an Introduction and Notes by R. A. Kitchen, M. F. G. Parmentier. Kalamazoo, Michigan, 2004 (Cistercian Studies Series 196). P. 365-374.

Vööbus A. Liber Graduum: Some Aspects of its Significance for the History of Early Syrian Asceticism // Charisteria Iohanni Kopp octogenario oblato. Stockholm, 1954 (Papers of the Estonian Theological Society in Exile 7). 108-128.

Дунаев А. Г. Преподобный Макарий Египетский. Духовные слова и послания. Собрание типа I (Vatic. graec. 694). М., 2002.

Liber Graduum // Patrologia Syriaca 3 / Ed., transl. M. Kmosko. Paris, 1926.

Gribomont J. Les Homélies ascétiques de Philoxène de Mabboug et l'écho du Messalianisme // Orient Syrien 2. Paris, 1957. P. 419-432.

Kessel G. A previously unknown reattributed fragment from Mēmrā 16 of the «Liber Graduum» // Syriac Book of Steps (Liber Graduum) Volume / Ed. by R. A. Kitchen, K. S. Heal. Catholic University of America Press (в печати).

Кессель Г. М. Учение о духовной жизни Афраата Персидского Мудреца // БТ 38. М., 2003. С. 356-375.



How to Cite

Kessel’ Г. Liber Graduum: The Sixteenth Memra: A Translation from Syrian and an Introduction by G. M. Kessel’. БВ 2010, 167-179.



Writings of the Holy Fathers
