St Nicholas Cabasilas. A Sermon on the Ascension of Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ

A translation from Ancient Greek by А. V. Sheck, an introduction and edition by A. G. Dunaev


  • Sheck A. V.
  • Dunaev A. G.


Saint Nicholas Kavasila (c. 1320 - c. 1391) was a pupil and maternal nephew of Saint Nilus Kavasila (1300-1363), Archbishop of Thessalonica. During the civil war and later he supported John VI Cantacuzin. Saint Nicholas Kavassila accompanied Saint Gregory Palamas on his journey to Thessaloniki and, after the Zealots prevented Saint Gregory from taking his See, he joined him on the Holy Mountain. He spent the rest of his life in silence, away from political strife.


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Congourdeau M.-H. Nicolas Cabasilas et le Palamisme // Gregorio Palamas e oltre: Studi e documenti sulle controversie teologiche del XIV secolo bizantino / A cura di A. Rigo. Firenze, 2004 (Orientalia Venetiana 16). P. 191-210.



How to Cite

Sheck А. В.; Dunaev А. Г. St Nicholas Cabasilas. A Sermon on the Ascension of Lord and God and Our Savior Jesus Christ: A Translation from Ancient Greek by А. V. Sheck, an Introduction and Edition by A. G. Dunaev. БВ 2010, 125-138.



Writings of the Holy Fathers
