St Nicetas Stethatos. The Second and Third Polemical Treatises against the Armenians

A publication of the Ancient Greek text, a translation, an introduction and notes by Fr Dionysius (Shlenov), a publication of the Georgian text by M. A. Rapava


  • Dionysius (Shlenov), hegumen Moscow Theological Academy
  • Rapava M. A.


After the publication of St. Nikita Stiphates' first word against the Armenian heresy in "Herald of Theology", the time came for the critical publication of the second and third words on the same theme (Invectivae 2, 3 in Armenios). Since all the general information about Stsiphates' anti-Armenian cycle has already been given, let us proceed directly to the main topic of the publication.


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How to Cite

Shlenov Д.; Rapava М. А. St Nicetas Stethatos. The Second and Third Polemical Treatises Against the Armenians: A Publication of the Ancient Greek Text, a Translation, an Introduction and Notes by Fr Dionysius (Shlenov), a Publication of the Georgian Text by M. A. Rapava. БВ 2010, 32-124.



Writings of the Holy Fathers
