Social Aspects of the Image of God in Man According to the Orthodox Theological Anthropology of the XX–XXI Centuries


  • Chursanov Sergey A. St. Tikhon Orthodox University for the Humanities



theology, image of God, person, relation, communion, love, unity in diversity, personal constitution, trilateral personal relatedness, personal all-embracing, free giving, Eucharist, Church, family


The article highlights and considers five key principles of perfect communion of human persons in the image of Divine Persons. According to the principle of unity in difference, while existing in the fullness of communion with other persons, each human person at the same time gains his or her personal uniqueness. The possibility of approaching such perfect communion opens up for a person while realizing the principle of personal constitution, which involves that, in the image of the monarchy of the Father, the human community is headed by a person who is able to overcome the tragic attitudes of both individualistic isolation and leveling suppression. As the third theological principle of perfect communion, the principle of triple personal relatedness is presented, which implies the overcoming of dyadic restraint both in the vertical dimension, that is, in relations with God, and in the horizontal dimension, that is, in relations between people. Further, perfect communion meets the principle of personal all-embracing, meaning that in the state of God-like perfection, each human person perceives the Divine energies in communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as well as embraces all human nature in communion with people. Finally, in accordance with the principle of free giving, in the image of spreading of uncreated Divine energies by the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit outside the Divine inaccessible essence, the various components of the fullness of being obtained in interpersonal communion are transmitted by its participants to everyone around, and ultimately to the whole created world.


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Author Biography

Chursanov Sergey A., St. Tikhon Orthodox University for the Humanities

PhD in Theology, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Department of Systematic Theology and Patrology at the St. Tikhon Orthodox University for the Humanities, Theological Faculty
23B, Novokuznetskaya, Moscow 115184, Russia



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How to Cite

Chursanov С. А. Social Aspects of the Image of God in Man According to the Orthodox Theological Anthropology of the XX–XXI Centuries. БВ 2020, 77-97.



Theology and philosophy
