Religious Policy in Venetian Crete
Venetian Crete, Venetian Hellenism, Venetian nobili, Constantinople Patriarchy, Cretan Church, cheirotonia, monk Bryennios, Paisios, Florentine SynodAbstract
In the article, an original phenomenon of «Venetian Hellenism» is considered in the confessional aspect. The topicality of the problem in general is connected with the heterogeneity of its solutions: «symbiosis» or opposition of the Greek-Orthodox tradition and the Roman-Catholic one. The aim of the investigation is to create a general picture of the religious situation in Venetian Crete in the 15th century which is regarded by modern historiography as the time of arts Renaissance, when part of the Greek world was in direct contact with the Italian Renaissance. Venice, to establish its power, had to neutralize the faith of the Cretans, and to do that, it had to break off the relationship of the local population with Byzantine Orthodox hierarchy. Thus, two controversial processes were being realized: members of the Orthodox Church were allowed to observe religious ceremonies and Venice refused to recognize submission of Cretan Orthodox clergy to the Patriarchy of Constantinople. The author of the research arrives at the conclusion that in spite of humanistic tendencies, rapprochement of the Western and Byzantine cultural traditions, Venice carried out tough church policy: the high Orthodox clergy were exiled from the island, former property rights of the local archons and Greek-Orthodox Church were not recognized, and cheirotonia of priests in Crete was banned. In that situation the population of Venetian Crete was faithful to Byzantium and Orthodox Church.
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