Ivan Nikolaevich Shabatin, a Professor of Church History


  • Macarius (Veretennikov), archimandrite Moscow Theological Academy


At the beginning of the new academic year 1972/73, when I entered the Seminary, many changes took place in the Ecclesiastical School. On September 3, Archimandrite Anatoly (Kuznetsov), an associate professor at the Academy, was consecrated Bishop of Vilnius and Lithuania in the Cathedral of Elokhovsky. On the Intercession of the Theotokos in the Academy's Church of the Intercession Archimandrite Simon (Novikov) was consecrated Bishop of Ryazan and Kasimovo. Hieromonk Alexander (Timofeev) replaced him as inspector. In the autumn, Archimandrite Evlogy (Smirnov) became the economist of the combined Lavra and Academy. On 11 October, Archimandrite Jerome (Zinoviev) was appointed new Vicar of the Laura of the Holy Trinity-Sergius.


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Агафангел, архим. Юбилейный годичный акт в Одесской духовной семинарии // ЖМП. 1971. № 2.

Трофимчук М. Х. Академия у Троицы. Воспоминания о Московских духовных школах. СП, 2005.



How to Cite

Veretennikov М. Ivan Nikolaevich Shabatin, a Professor of Church History. БВ 2010, 537-547.



Church history: the most modern period


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